Friday, October 24, 2008

Belt a good way

I've lost another half inch from my waistline! Whoo hooo! Soon I'll need to switch belts, to ones I haven't worn in...well, let's just say it's been awhile.

Speaking of belt tightening, I note the cost of this weight reduction program? Zero.

Except in terms of time. I walk about an hour and half every day now (even on the cold, blustery one, which made me feel very self-disciplined and virtuous). That's a lot of time - but when I was taking fitness classes, they were an hour long and it took me at least fifteen minutes travel time to get to the gym. So it's the same amount of time for good results and costing me nothing.

I should probably add some weight work into my day, though. I already have weights, purchased for the aforementioned classes. It strikes me that I could do a little heavy lifting while I'm staring at the computer screen, thinking about what to do next with the story. I'll dig the weights out today and give it a go.

This week's step count:
Oct. 17 - 11,321
Oct. 18 - workshop, so didn't go for a walk. I'm getting pretty good at guesstimating step counts, so I'd say probably about 2,000.
Oct. 19 - 13,097
Oct. 20 - 13,613 (the steepest route)
Oct. 21 - 12,142
Oct. 22 - 8,513 on pedometer, plus another 1,000 or so walking to the concert
Oct. 23 - 12,153

Weight today: 143.2

I fear I won't make my goal of 140 by next Friday, but we'll see. I'm going to reward myself with some Hallowe'en candy anyway. However, whether I meet the goal or not will determine how much.

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