Friday, July 06, 2007

The Last Pass

So I'm finished going through the revised manuscript for KNAVE'S HONOR, and have only to input those changes, and then I'm done. Until the next round of proofreading, but for all intents and purposes, the really heavy lifting is over.

Some stats:

Current page count: 430 This will most definitely change. It will be shorter when I'm finished, because as always, I've added unnecessary information that will be cut.

Started writing KNAVE'S HONOR: February, 2007

First began thinking about KNAVE'S HONOR: Prior to the contract, so approximately summer, 2005.

Hero first appears in MY LORD'S DESIRE.

Heroine is first mentioned in MY LORD'S DESIRE, but doesn't actually appear until KNAVE'S HONOR.

The villain of KNAVE'S HONOR has been pulling strings since MY LORD'S DESIRE, but doesn't actually show up in the flesh until THE NOTORIOUS KNIGHT. He meets his fate at last in KNAVE'S HONOR.

Hours spent writing KNAVE'S HONOR: I have no idea. Some days I work several hours, some days I work few, and I don't keep a log. I also think a lot about the book between time at the computer, and makes notes and edit on hard copy.

Am I pleased with it? Yes, or I wouldn't have submitted it.

Am I sad to see the end of it? In one way, yes -- I'm ready for a new project. In another way, no -- I have to start a new book, beginning with that blank Chapter One, Page One. While I know I'm certainly capable of writing a book, that's still daunting. Therefore, my feelings are...mixed. It's like saying good-bye to some co-workers whose company you've enjoyed, but now you're moving on to a new and exciting job.

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