Saturday, February 18, 2006

The boys in my bathtub...

The latest additions to our family, aka "the boys," have apparently decided there's no better place to be than a wet bathtub after somebody's had a shower. Why this should be, I don't know. What I do know is, I can know wander into the bathroom at any time in the morning and find two pairs of wide, innocent kitty eyes gazing up at me as if to say, "Not doing nuthin'. Really. Just sittin' here minding our own business."

Unfortunately, they've also discovered the head board of our bed is wide enough for them to sit on. From that perch, they can look down on our slumbering heads. Like vultures. Guess how I wake up in the morning these days? We also had to wrap the bedposts and a decorative bit in the center because we discovered Luis (aka the whiter of the two kitties) liked to gnaw on the wood.

I would have preferred sleeping later today because I'm fighting off a cold. Thankfully the kids are old enough that should I want to go to bed and nap, I can. Believe you me, there were times when they were babies, toddlers and small children I would have given a great deal to be able to just lie down when I was feeling under the weather. Now I really appreciate that seemingly simple thing.

Here's hoping that if I do go back to bed, the Count and Luis let me sleep in peace, without either perching or wrestling over my poor sick body.


Anonymous said...

I think if I looked up and saw a kitty staring down at me, I'd let out an ear-splitting scream. Yikes! :)

Margaret Moore said...

Usually I feel them jump on the bed first, but either way, it's not a great way to start my day.

Anonymous said...

Look how small Count is in that picture! I can't believe how fast he grew.