Monday, July 17, 2006

I'm grinning from ear to ear today!

And why? you may ask. First, I got another wonderful review for HERS TO DESIRE, which is supposed to be on shelves July 25, but is probably already on shelves in some places. Alane at Romance Junkies called it "completely captivating from the first page to the last." *sighs with happiness*

Then I asked my editor about the cover for my next book, MY LORD'S DESIRE, and she sent me a pdf. I nearly collapsed with delight when I saw it because oh, my dears, it is GORGEOUS! When I opened it, it was quite large, so the first thing I saw was the sky and my name (always a pleasure, and yes, I still check the spelling!). Beautiful sky and I love the font color, so this is boding well. Then I scrolled down to the hero. Cue the palpitations, because oh, my word! The man is a dream in chain mail! The heroine isn't bad, either, nor is the castle in the background. All in all, it is a thing of beauty and I'm thrilled! I'm waiting to get back permission to post it on my site, but as soon as I do, I will share.

Yep, today, I am one very happy author!


Anonymous said...

We never get tired of seeing our name in print! Congrats Margaret!

Maureen McGowan said...

Whoo hoo!
Congrats Margaret!!!

Dixie Belle said...

I'm going to look for your book this weekend while I'm out shopping!

Margaret Moore said...

Thanks, all! I'm still grinning!