Monday, April 03, 2006

Quote...well, proverb of the week

"A book is like a garden carried in the pocket." -- Chinese Proverb

Isn't this a lovely thought? And there are all kinds of gardens -- elaborate, formal gardens, wild flower gardens, rock gardens, homey gardens, the garden at your grandma's house. A garden for every taste. Like books.

Gardening's also on my mind for a different reason. I've signed up to take a course on garden design. It's short (4 nights), which is good when I'm not that far from a deadline, but it's not something that people who know me would expect me to do. My husband's reaction was "GAR-dening?" (the unspoken addendum being, "YOU????"). I don't enjoy working in the garden, to put it mildly. For years my mantra has been, "Gardening is just housework outdoors." As a result, I have many perennials and lots of periwinkle in the garden.

However, that also means that for May and June, when the tulips, daffodils and crocus are in bloom, my garden looks fine. The rest of the season? Not so much. Normally, I can ignore this, but the periwinkle is threatening to take over completely, so it's time to do something. And since my son will have the month of May off between finishing university and starting his job, and he actually enjoys working in the garden, I've decided the time has come to do something while I have a young, able-bodied male willing and able to dig, tote and plant.

Now, while my thoughts run to weeding, trimming and pruning, I should go read through the Prologue, Chapter One and Chapter Two.

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