Friday, November 21, 2008

Weight Loss Challenge -- off the plateau at last!

At last, at last! Let the bells ring out and the banners fly! I'm at 141.8!!! Whooo hooo. I haven't been this light in, well, a few years.

I don't think I've mentioned my new short-term weight-loss goal. Well, not so much a goal as an incentive.

When I hit 139 (even 139.9), I get a new outfit. Whoo hoo!

Unfortunately, the cold weather has arrived and so today, because of the wind chill, I'll be using the antique treadmill. I call it antique because it isn't power-assisted. The only thing that makes that sucker move is my tender tootsies, so it requires more effort. Which is good. Bad? It doesn't register steps on the pedometer. I can measure time (easy) and distance (it has that function), but not steps. But that's okay, because I figure one step on that is not the equivalent of one step on the sidewalk or path anyway.

I wore my new snow sneakers on the slushy street and sidewalks yesterday. My feet were toasty warm and dry.

This week's step count tally:
Nov. 14 - 16,734
Nov. 15 - 5025 but 40 minutes on the treadmill (didn't measure distance)
Nov. 16 - 17,864
Nov. 17 - 16,737
Nov. 18 - 16,292
Nov. 19 - 15,636 (and a little snow shoveling)
Nov. 20 - 12,772 plus snow shoveling plus 2.37 k. (1.47 miles) on the treadmill

Oh, and there were no white potatoes on my menu this week. I substituted salad with low cal dressing. I think that helped, too.


Anonymous said...

Margaret, major congratulations! When we plateau (writing, weight, life in general) it's tough to stick to the plan.

Major sales happening now, so keep your eyes peeled for that new outfit.


Amy Ruttan said...

CONGRATS!! You're doing awesome. Coming off plateaus are hard.

I've been trying to keep my weight gain during this pregnancy to a minimum so I can bounce back faster.

The problem is morning sickness and this thing not wanting to eat what I'm supposed to.

At least it hates pop, so that's good ... I guess.

Margaret Moore said...

Thanks, Susanne! I shall!

Amy, I didn't put any major weight on until after my kids were in school full time. Between the nursing and running around after them, I got back to pretty much my pre-baby weight when they were little.

I never had morning sickness, either. I did, however, have the Periods of Major Crampage and Nausea prior to pregnancy. I figured that meant I'd already paid my dues. :-)