Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Some things never get old....

I just received my author copies of my January book, THE WARLORD'S BRIDE and I gotta say, it's still and always a thrill to hold a copy of my own book in my hands. I am always tempted to stroke it whispering, "My precious, my precious." Sometimes I do.

I think one reason it continues to be such a thrill (beyond the fact that I get paid to produce books) is that by the time I'm actually holding the finished book, I've forgotten why I was so traumatized by Chapter Six (for instance) and the hours I spent trying to decide the best sequence of plot events, etc. etc. All the angst has receded. I no longer have to work at the creating; it's done.


Anonymous said...

That's an amazing cover! So evocative.


Amy Ruttan said...

Congrats! I look forward to it's coming. :) Of course I have a whole big bag to read! ;)

All those Dr. appointments are going to fly this year with all these great books.