In other news, I'm furiously working away on A LOVER'S KISS. I wrote a whooping 33 pages on Friday, which was good, because I had a lot less time to work yesterday than I'd anticipated, due to major traffic snafus on the way home from a family function. And my back was pretty sore.
So I wasn't feeling terribly chipper this morning. And then the mantles arrived and Margaret's World is a happy place once again.
Just had to laugh, there for a minute I thought that the mantle men were lovely, not the mantles.
In a perfect world, they'd all be lovely!
The Mantle Men were lovely because they did such an excellent job, especially Alan. The woodwork is just excellent. He does built-in cabinets and shelves, too, and oh, how my little book-lovin' heart went pitty-pat!
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