Friday, June 13, 2008

He's in my hands at last!

It's been about six years since I first imagined Sir Douglas Drury, baronet and barrister, and at last, I have him in my hands. Yesterday, I received my author copies of A LOVER'S KISS.

To say I'm excited is putting it rather mildly.

I'm thinking some contests/giveaways are in order...

However, first I have to decide what exactly I'll be offering, because I'd like to include some of the previous books that have Drury as a secondary character, and I need to see how many copies I have. And then exactly what I'll do. I also have to take into account the fact that I'll be out of town from the 22nd to the 27th. (We're going to Beantown to watch a game from the Green Monster -- if you're a baseball fan, you'll know what I mean. If not, here's an explanation.)

Check back here Monday to see how you can win some free books.


Susan Anne Mason said...

Yay, prizes! We love prizes.

I have to say again how beautiful that cover is, Margaret. It's almost something I'd love to have as a framed painting in my living room.
Congratulations, it must be thrilling to have the book in hand.


penney said...

I too love the new cover! Sounds like a great book.
All the best

Cheryl St.John said...

This is a beautiful cover! Combined with your name, I'll bet it flies off the shelves.