Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Weekly Clutter Challenge, Week 3

First, a check-in on previous decluttering challenges, and so far, so...pretty good. The kitchen peninsula is still clutter-free, and I've done well with keeping the bedrooms tidy. The biggest challenge has been the office/den, with files and papers on my desk. I'm doing my best to keep that sort of clutter from moving to other areas, but it's a challenge.

This week, I have two goals.

1. Put away the laundry as soon as it's folded. This is something I can put off for days, in part because there doesn't seem to be enough room in the necessary drawers, or the items aren't required right away. But that's just an excuse. As of now, all the clean laundry is in its proper place, and I hope to keep it that way.

2. Delete emails and files I no longer require, like responses to social events held literally years ago. This is one of those tasks that isn't important and it doesn't really bother me often. On the other hand, who needs that sort of thing taking up real estate? So over the course of the next week, I'm going to start the winnowing.

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to delete I go!

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